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February 7, 2021

Probably the most frequent question I get asked: Should I get an MRI?

Percentage of "abnormal" findings on lumbar spine MRI and CT images in healthy pain free subjects

My answer: Well, that's a loaded question.

It's in our nature to want to find a problem and "fix" it. Especially when we are in pain, we want that MRI to show a clear and direct image as to WHY we are in pain. But, does it REALLY show the cause?

As it turns out, there is very little association with the MRI image and your diagnosis. There are PLENTY of people with ABNORMAL MRI's and other diagnostic studies WITHOUT PAIN.

If you take a look at the image above, it is based off of a 2015 study looking at the backs of 3110 healthy, pain free people on MRI & CT Imaging.

Almost 70% of people in their 40’s WITHOUT back pain showed degenerative disc disease and were pain free.

Think about, an MRI is only a PIECE of the pie.

Getting back to what you want to do, your normal activities, or even excel at an activity is so much MORE important than what is typed out on that piece of paper. I can't tell you how many MRI reports I've seen with a diagnosis of SOMETHING. Whether people were in pain or not.

If you are surgical candidate, YES it can help the physician plan for surgery. It does not entirely explain your pain though. Pain is VERY complex.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with surgery for people who need it. They are the minority as it turns out though.

In summary, the name of the game is to stay out of the chronic pain category and keep moving. Numerous factors play into the pain game including psychological components that happen along the way of life.

Let's stay out of the chronic pain state. Let's keep moving.

Rock On

- Dr. Kelli

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Dr. Kelliann Gallagher, PT, CF-L1 | Doctor of Physical Therapy, Founder
Dr. Kelliann
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